How do people show they’re happy?

Here we are the last day of the month of August. I hope you knew this was “Admit You’re Happy Month.” No, well shame on you. I personally don’t know why only one month is set aside for admitting one is happy. We should feel free to admit we’re happy every single day we’re able… Continue reading How do people show they’re happy?


“This should be a good day for you. Crowds are going to Jerusalem for Passover.” Bartimaeus handed his blanket to his brother to lay out for him. “Thank you for helping me. You’re a good friend.” “I’m your brother. What other choice do I have?” He guided Bart to a seated position. “You could ignore… Continue reading FRESH VISION

West Texas observations from a transplanted Texan

When a writer has several hours behind the wheel of an 18-wheeler there’s too much time and not enough to think about. This blog post will be proof of what I’m talking about…or writing about, actually. This summer has been the year of West  Texas window deliveries. I have a few observations to make since… Continue reading West Texas observations from a transplanted Texan


Jesus was following the crowds to Jerusalem for the Passover. His followers were grumbling behind Him. Matthew: “I can’t believe we’re going back to Jerusalem. The last time we were there the priests tried to stone Him.” Bartholomew: “I know. I thought we’d stay incognito. Instead we’re just marching right in with everyone else.” Thomas:… Continue reading SLAVES

WAITING ON GOD book review and launch

When I learned my friend, Wayne Stiles, was writing a book about the life of Joseph I was thrilled. At the time I was going through Joseph’s life for devotional topics for my blog. It’s always fun to see how another writer sees the same portion of scripture. Wayne did not disappoint me. I knew… Continue reading WAITING ON GOD book review and launch

Spiritual journeys don’t need a lot of geographic space

I’m writing this post on Thursday, August 13, 2015. I should have started my day in Amarillo, Texas. God had other plans for me. His plans included a spiritual journey in my 700 square foot apartment. Last Friday I THOUGHT this week was all mapped out for me to work five consecutive days for the… Continue reading Spiritual journeys don’t need a lot of geographic space

I’m being squeezed and baked into the image of Christ

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose. For those God foreknew He also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brothers. Romans 8:28-29 You’ll never see… Continue reading I’m being squeezed and baked into the image of Christ


Jesus held His left arm across Mary’s shoulders. His right Arm was across Martha’s. The three of them led a procession to the family burial cave. Mary wrapped both arms around Jesus’s waist. Martha caressed Jesus’s hand on her shoulder. They paused as people filled in the area behind them when they reached the tomb… Continue reading SECOND LIFE

I finally found my sign from God…or not.

I’ve seen a lot of signs from behind the wheel of various trucks I’ve driven for my occupation. Some are helpful. Others are funny. A few can be misconstrued. Here’s an example of a sign I could easily read as coming directly from God to me when it actually says something entirely different. I tell… Continue reading I finally found my sign from God…or not.