The Color of…

The color of cardinals is as red as can be

They chirp as they fly and enjoy a great seed

The color of bluebirds as their name would imply

Is blue as blue gets even bluer than the sky

The color of zebras is quite a contrast of hues

They’re black and they’re white yet they don’t seem confused

The color of tigers is orange and black stripes

Keep watching him though or he’ll eat you in two bites

The color of polar bears is all white all over

He likes the white snow to hide in its cover

The color of penguins is a tux black and white

They waddle on sort legs and underwater they do fly

The color of Jesus is more varied than a rainbow

He came to us from God and is purer than snow

The color of love is a red extremely dark

From the blood that flowed from Jesus’ broken heart

The color of grace He displayed as He died

When He told the thief “You’ll be with me in Paradise”

The color of forgiveness He showed when He said

“Father, forgive them for they don’t know what they did”

The color of sin filled the air oh so quick

When the light disappeared and it was totally black

The color of doubt filled His followers that day

They didn’t understand and didn’t know what to say

The color of hope chased the shadows from the room

When Mary told them Jesus was no longer in the tomb

The color of peace came to the room like a wish

When Jesus showed up and asked for broiled fish

The color of faith filled Thomas like never before

When he touched Jesus wounds and declared Him “my Lord”

The color of purpose filled His disciples when Jesus left

“Become fishers of men and don’t go back to your nets”

The color of power changed those men so much higher

When the Holy Spirit came to them like small tongues of fire

The color of progress declared itself on that day

When each person knew exactly what those men had to say

The color of God’s kingdom is ours to press among

All people on earth so their heart sings His song

The color of love, peace and joy will fill God’s children

As we spend our eternity with Father God in Heaven

The color of choice is given freely from our Heavenly Creator

For those who choose Jesus I’ll say “I’ll see you later”

By wadewebster

I'm a truck driver turned writer. My writing drives people to Jesus. I love sunsets/sunrises, dark chocolate, coffee, cats and dogs (as long as their owners pick up after them) and solitude. My relationship with God through Jesus Christ is most important to me, not a religion. This writing gig is all God's idea. I only wish to bring more attention to Jesus with it.

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